Stwecem’c Xget’tem First Nation Treaty Department is working collaboratively with the Northern Secwepemc te Qelmúcw (NStQ) treaty table negotiating the Final Agreement with the province and federal government.
Contact us:
Treaty Office 250-440-5649
Where we’re at
The NStQ Treaty Team is now negotiating the final agreement. Input from NStQ members will be crucial and to that end we will have ongoing community consultation to gather your input. NStQ members will vote on whether to accept the Final Agreement, once details have been sorted out.
Funding negotiations
Funding the negotiations has brought up as a concern by our members, during this process because working through treaty is a complex process. Concerns about repaying treaty loans was alleviated a few years ago when Canada announced that loans for treaty negotiations would not need to be paid back. That means that $30 million that has been spent to get to this point in treaty negotiations, will not need to be paid back.
Modern treaties
The NStQ treaty will be unique but there will be some common elements with other modern-day treaties such as shared governance and jurisdiction over Children and Family Services and Fisheries.